Holistic Health Therapies
Therapeutic Massage
Massage Therapy, Clinical Deep Tissue,
Sports Massage, Lymphatic Massage,
Orthopedic Massage, Myofascial Cupping.
Cranial Sacral Therapy. Relaxing Massage
Diet & Lifestyle Coaching
333 Miller Ave #7, Mill Valley CA
(510) 962-8182 Biz

Lymphatic Massage | Manual Lymphatic Drainage
Lymphatic Massage & Manual Lymphatic Drainage are types of manual therapy that focus on moving lymph fluid through the lymph system aiding in the processing of waste fluids.
Some of the main uses for Lymphatic Massage may include:
After surgery including plastic surgeries
During injury recovery particularly when swelling is present
As a means to improve immune function
To speed the body's detoxification
In the treatment of lymphedema
Lymphatic Massage Services
Detoxifying Lymphatic Massage - $130- 150 hr. packs of 4 and 6 available
Lymphatic Massage speeds the evacuation of lymph fluid containing waste, helping to eliminate them. Lymphatic Massage may be used in cases of lymph stagnation and is considered detoxifying. Treatment may include dry brushing and or the used of medicated oils. Link: About Lymphatic Massage and how it works.
Lymphatic Drainage - $130- 150 hr. packs of 4 and 6 available
Often recommended post surgery / post cosmetic surgery and for edema Manual Lymphatic Drainage involves gentle superficial strokes that push lymph fluid through the lymphatic system to aid accumulated lymph fluid to drain through proper channels to relieve lymph swelling. Lymphatic drainage is very gentle, is not painful and doesn’t have a stimulating effect. Each session lasts 60 minutes, and therapy usually is performed once a day 2 to 3 times a week for multiple weeks depending on the degree of lymph accumulation or treatment goals: Link: About Lymphatic Massage and how it works.